Saniflo Service Kit 1 is suitable for the SaniFlo, SaniTop, SaniVite and SaniSpeed models only.
When a service is done on the unit, it is advisable to check the membrane for flexibility and if it is stiff the it needs to be replaced (or at least every 2 years).
If a unit is not used very often the switch may become problematic and if it is used constantly is may become hot and stick. This is the reason for the replacement recommendation
Leaks of water and/or waste are possible if the is not fitted properly or replaced when necessary.
These parts are specifically for the units mentioned above and the strength of the switch is appropriate to the units mentioned.
Using other parts may damage your machine.
When the clip is removed, it tends to be either fractured or broken and even if it seems ok, lower tension on the membrane may leads to water ingress and the electrics becoming fused or tripping the motor.
It is generally a good idea then to replace the clip any time the membrane is removed.
The microswitch is robust but again, as part of regular servicing should be replaced.
Saniflo Descaler can be purchased on this site also.
This also works in some other brands of macerator. Please check before ordering if for another make or model.